
Platform Selection and Impact in Miss Pageants

Miss Pageants – Choosing a Platform

Whether they are fun, aspirational or antiquated, beauty pageants have been debated over the years. Some have called them feminist while others say they are sexist.

Contestants compete in four areas of competition: interview, talent, evening gown and on-stage question. Each area counts for 25% of their total score.

They give you a platform

Cheslie was able to use her platform as a way to showcase the beauty of women of all shapes and sizes. She incorporated it into her fashion design, creating a line of evening gowns for women who have different body types. She also conducted research on body image and clothing design for her senior thesis in college.

While some people know right away what their pageant platform will be, others have to go through a period of searching for ideas. They may try out different ideas for a while, asking themselves what they are most passionate about changing in the world.

For example, one of the most popular pageant platforms is “World Peace.” While this might be a bit of a pageant cliche, it is a legitimate cause that is worthy of a contestant’s attention. It is a goal that is achievable on a local and global scale, which is what makes it so special.

They are a great way to network

If you’re considering participating in a pageant, it’s important to choose a platform that aligns with your goals and interests. It should also be something that you’re willing to work tirelessly for and be committed to long term. A platform is much more than a list of accomplishments – it’s an opportunity to help others.

One way that contestants promote their platforms is by making appearances. This can be anything from a parade to a charity event. When you make an appearance, be sure to mention your platform and tell people about the good work that you’re doing.

Another great way to network is by volunteering with a local organization that supports your platform. For example, if your platform is animal rights, you can volunteer at local shelters. Each year millions of cats and dogs are placed into shelters, and many of them are euthanized because they don’t find homes. Volunteering at a shelter is a great way to help prevent this.

They are a great way to celebrate your accomplishments

Miss pageants recognize women for their accomplishments scholastically, professionally and community service wise. In addition, they also give women who are disqualified from other divisions due to marriage, age or motherhood the opportunity to compete. However, the accomplishments of many contestants are largely ignored or sidetracked by the media. For instance, when Manushi Chhillar’s video from med school went viral, the world was more focused on her appearance than her zeal and drive to pursue her goals.

Once you’ve won your title, make sure to spread the word. This will help bring publicity and opportunities to your new position. You can also start a social media page or blog to chronicle your year as a queen. Depending on your age and the guidelines of your pageant, it might be helpful to meet with your director to discuss your plans for the year and what is expected of you. This will help ensure that you are on the same page and have clear expectations.

They are a great way to gain experience

Pageant contestants learn a variety of skills, including public speaking and interviewing. They also practice grooming and taking pride in their appearance. They may even learn a new talent, such as dancing or playing an instrument. They may also have to work with a coach or mentor to help them perfect their performance.

Pageants also teach contestants how to network and make connections with new people. They can build relationships with event organisers, charity workers and local businesses. They can even meet other contestants and form lasting friendships.

In the interview portion of a pageant, judges often ask contestants questions about their strengths, goals and future aspirations. They also ask about their experiences and volunteer efforts. It is important for contestants to answer these questions honestly and sincerely. This will help them impress the judges. The interview is a critical part of the pageant process, so it is important to prepare beforehand. Practice answering the most common questions, such as: What are your greatest strengths?

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Preparing and Winning in Beauty Pageants

Beauty Pageants Corner – How to Prepare for a Pageant

Pageantry is a fixture in pop culture, from Taylor Swift’s sequined leotard to Beyonce’s signature strut. But the spectacle of women vying for a crown has been met with hostility by progressive young people.

Children who participate in beauty pageants learn discipline and time management as they balance schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and competition preparation. They also gain confidence, poise, and leadership skills.

What is a pageant?

A pageant is a contest for beauty, talent and other special skills. The competition is typically held by a group of individuals who organize and run the pageant, which can be on a local, state or national level. The winner of a pageant is called a beauty queen.

Many people enjoy participating in or watching pageants. Others have a strong negative opinion of them, believing that they promote superficial values and encourage unhealthy lifestyles.

A popular part of a pageant is the talent portion, which allows contestants to showcase their unique talents. This can include singing, dancing and playing piano. Another common aspect of a pageant is the swimsuit competition, which judges a contestant’s fitness and confidence on the stage. In addition, most pageants have a “platform” requirement, wherein contestants promote an issue or cause that they are passionate about during their reign as titleholders. This is a key component of their on-stage questions and interviews with the judges.

How do pageants work?

Beauty pageants are ritual performances that link an ideal unmarried woman to society through the process of sponsorship. Sponsors provide entry fees, wardrobe, accoutrements, and prizes to the contestants and queens who then represent their brands in public.

While traditional beauty standards still play a role in pageants today, many of the most popular competitions are now billed as “scholarship programs.” The focus is on finding a young woman who embodies the qualities of the organization hosting the pageant and presents them well in front of judges.

Contestants are expected to be knowledgeable about current events and social issues. This can help them be confident on stage and interact with the judges and audience. It’s also important for them to have a solid platform statement that they can stand by. For example, last year Miss England Melisa Raouf broke with the competition’s tradition of wearing makeup by competing barefaced. She praised her skin’s imperfections and claimed that it was a way to celebrate her individuality.

How do I prepare for a pageant?

Taking the time to properly prepare for a pageant will ensure you are ready to compete and do well. This preparation will help you shine on stage and impress the judges.

Choose a talent that you feel confident in performing. Many contestants choose to perform a dance, instrument or speech. Others take runway lessons or participate in fashion shows. This will help you build confidence and generate supporters that can cheer for you on the day of the competition.

Keep all of your pageant-related materials in one place. This will make it easier to find what you need and prevent misplacing items. It is also a good idea to make a budget for your pageant expenses and add extra funds for last minute purchases like spray tans, hotel rooms, butt glue and food.

Embrace your true self. Some people may try to paint pageant girls in a negative light but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Find a pageant that celebrates you for who you are and lets you shine!

How do I win a pageant?

Many girls who compete in beauty pageants think that the titleholders they see on TV just roll out of bed looking fabulous and winning effortlessly. The truth is that those incredible queens have worked hard to excel in every aspect of pageant competition.

They practice their answers to interview questions and hone the communication skills that make them stand out from other contestants. They also choose a talent that they feel comfortable performing, such as dancing or playing an instrument, rather than something that requires a lot of rehearsals like ventriloquism or karate.

They create identification and wardrobe labels to keep track of all the outfits they’re bringing to the pageant, which will be especially helpful when they’re backstage in a crowded dressing room! These can be as simple as large office or address labels, which are easy to print from your computer. If they’re able to, they also consult with a stylist to learn which fabrics, colors and cuts will highlight their best features.

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